澳洲的幣值跟台灣非常不同,我想對外國人來說,要搞懂怎麼使用澳洲的錢都需要一段時間。這裡的錢幣分成銅板及紙鈔,銅板面額又分成5 cent(5分)、10 cent、20 cent、50 cent、1 dollar(1元)、2 dollar,而這些銅板的大小及厚薄都不一,2元的形狀反而比50分還小,50分是所有銅板中最大顆的;有次班上的同學巴西妹剛好坐在我旁邊,她拿出手上的一堆零錢,很苦惱地問我,為什麼澳洲的銅板這麼多種、為什麼50分要長這麼大?啊~我也很想知道啊!但我又不是澳洲人,連身為澳洲人的老師Zoe都不知道了,我哪那麼博學多聞哩! 紙鈔則分成5 dollar、10 dollar、20 dollar、50 dollar、100 dollar,但是100元對他們來說則是「超級大鈔」,很難找開的唷,所以來澳洲不要隨便就拿出100元來啊!
不過,更怪的是,澳洲最小的幣值明明就是5 cent,但是他們在店裡卻會看到標價$1.98!讓我注意到這怪現象的這件事發生在當天我去超市買東西,回來再仔細核對收據後,發現店員怎麼多收了我2 cent的錢,問了我的home爸之後,才搞懂他們的rounding制度,也把這件事寫在我的英文日記裡(在這裡我每周至少會寫一篇英文日記練習writing,再請老師幫我修正):
2008.6.23 Mon cold→ sunny
After school I went to “ Woolworths” supermarket, which is near my bus stop in the city, on my way home. I wanted to find something for my lunch because buying lunch everyday is more expensive than cooking lunch. Actually, I am lazy when it comes to cooking but I think I can prepare my lunch sometimes. After walking all around the supermarket, I only just picked up 2 cup of soups and some choc chip cookies. I couldn’t find anything else I wanted to cook for lunch. These two things cost me $2.98, but the shop assistant took $3.00. At that moment I hadn’t noticed that, but when I came home, I checked again. Then I saw the word of ‘rounding’ on the receipt. At first, I thought that it’s ‘guest service tax’, but I also saw the ‘GST’ on the receipt. So I ask my homestay father. He told me that because there is no 1 cent and 2 cent-piece in Australia, if you buy some things that cost more than 5 cents or less than 1 dollar, it will round up or down for paying money to be a whole dollar. If I use a card, not cash, I won’t have to pay the rounding money.
Finally I understand this is a kind of Australian lifestyle. Next time when I want to buy something, I will take notice and calculate how much the total is, and then decide whether to pay in cash or by card!
In fact, I still can’t understand that if there is no 1 cent and 2 cent-piece in
老師幫我修正一些用詞及文法之後,最後批上「HaHa~ yes, it doesn’t make sense, does it!」看來說不定澳洲人從來沒想過這個怪現象吧!
現在,我已能體會當初在飛機上鄰座女孩Amy告訴我的:「澳洲人買東西都刷卡」的這件事,這個卡不一定是信用卡,而是銀行提款卡就能夠刷卡買東西了,所以,我現在在超市買好東西後會大概算一下總數,若有可能會被扣到rounding的錢,就拿出銀行提款卡來刷囉!畢竟錢難賺啊~即使是2 cent,算算也約台幣6元呢!積少成多啊~所以,不得不精打細算哩! 不過,昨天另一位從台灣來受訓的朋友問我,為什麼有些錢可以被扣掉,看了她的收據,才發現原來rounding的錢是「四捨五入」的耶,如果是多$0.02,那就可以少付0.02元,但如果是多$0.03,則就要多付$0.02以達到5分,所以以後若是總數有0.02元的,還是可以付現金來賺到6元台幣的啦 ! 哈~新發現!!
2008.7.13 21:39